The Monarch Gardener

​SEED BALL INFO: What is a seed ball and what do I do with it? Seed balls are hardened clay and compost embedded with native milkweed and perennial seeds. I make many kinds, they can all be placed out anytime of the year, but with the best results being in fall or early winter up until about mid March. Do not bury them, just press them a bit into the soil. Cleared soil is best but they can be tossed into a field too. A few months of cold and wet will break down the protective clay then roots and shoots will emerge. Seedlings can take 2-3 years to flower and mature.  Please contact me if you need more info:

Check out the Spring 2015 edition of the The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's News magazine. The Monarch Gardener has a short article on page 18!

Lead story in the spring 2015 edition of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge's Wrack Line newsletter 

The Monarch Gardener's pollinator gardens were featured in the Ipswich Chronicle. 

The Monarch Gardener was also a guest writer for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast blog.  

Conservation and Gardening Resources